1. Based on providing the best services and the purpose of protecting personal data and privacy, in addition to compliance with current relevant laws and regulations of the competent authorities, the Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance (TABF) collects, processes, and uses personal information it obtains in a fair and reasonable manner, respecting the parties’ right to information self-determination.
  2. TABF collects some personal information of users based on managing research, education, training, self-administered or entrusted examination, book publishing and sales, and other legitimate businesses and related activities, conducting user background analysis, and providing customers with information on TABF activities, or for other future purposes with user consent.
  3. This website uses cookies, small amounts of data sent from the web server through the browser and written to the user’s hard drive in order to distinguish their preferences. Cookies do not capture personal information like your name or email address, etc. This website may securely read and write cookies in your browser.
  4. In order to protect personal data and privacy, TABF has established a Personal Data Management Review Committee, with dedicated personnel responsible for data security. Its annual inspections and internal audits include implementation of relevant protection and management mechanisms.
  5. TABF’s notification of the collection, processing and utilization of personal data has been announced on its homepage. Concerned parties may submit applications through the customer service website for relevant rights claims and requests, and TABF will handle them in accordance with regulations.
  6. TABF protects personal data in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act and the ISO27001 international standard. In addition to fulfilling its custody obligations, after the end of the retention period, it also securely deletes or destroys documents and files.
  7. TABF uses personal data within the territory of the Republic of China, or transfers it to other countries for business needs in compliance with its own information security standards, and in compliance with the laws and regulations of both the Republic of China and the receiving country.
  8. TABF will promptly revise its personal information and privacy protection statements in accordance with changes in legal regulations or the technological environment to safeguard the rights and interests of all parties involved, and will announce such revisions in an honest and open manner.